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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Steps on Creating a Successful Website

By Nelson Thomas.

Creating a successful website is quite easy, firstly you have to picture it in your mind and tell yourself the website your going to spend your time on will end up being productive, no matter how long it takes. I will list out a few tips which will be very beneficial to you.

1. Advertisement: Once you have created your website, you need to focus on getting traffic. Lots of traffic encourages ur effort, it shows that people actually likes your content/articles. Getting traffic can be alot harder at the initial, this are few things you can do;

  • Promote your website via "sponsored posts" on social media 
  • Create a YouTube channel- People connect with videos faster
  • Consistency in posting relevant articles.
2. Title: The title of your content should be popular questions,articles,stuffs people normally search on. Don't be scared if someone already made use of the title you had in mind. What makes your website outstanding is the uniqueness of your content.

3. Posts: The content of your blog plays a key role in building  the success of your  website. The articles you write about must be an expression from your mind. Try to know more about the information your sharing. Avoid copying and pasting articles you see online, it makes you less creative.

4. Research: If generally what your interested is monetizing your website or getting much traffic to your site. Go to the social media, learn how the gurus are doing it and follow practical steps. I will recommend you sign up for relevant channels on YouTube which is inclined to your goal.

5. Patience: As they say "Rome wasn't built in a day". Building a successful website takes time and dedication to gain mastery. The wonderful thing about it is that, some day your hard work will pay off. So keep hanging in there, don't be discouraged and never give up.

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Awesome try this out 👇