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Friday 3 November 2017

iPhone X Thieves Reportedly Rob $370,000 Worth of Phones From UPS Truck Before Launch Day

source: by Harrison Weber

Image: Apple

Tomorrow Apple will lift the veil off its long-awaited, very expensive new iPhone. But earlier today, threereportedly “husky” dudes made off with as many as 313 iPhone X devices. The phones were apparently sitting inside a UPS truck outside of a San Francisco Apple store when they were stolen earlier this afternoon.
The iPhone X may be best known for its price and screen; at $1,000, the device costs more than any phone Apple has ever made, but it’s also almost entirely bezel-free—save for the awkward notch at the top. Regardless of the price, Tim Cook emphasizes that you could probably afford one if you’d just stop buying so much fancy coffee.
At 313 iPhone X’s, CNET pegs the estimated value of the stolen goods at more than $370,000. As of earlier today, the whereabouts of the robbers was unknown.
This husky trio of iPhone enthusiasts weren’t the only folks to make off with a new iPhone X before Apple’s special launch day—at least one London Apple fan, who was not described as “husky,” found a loophole in a third-party retailer’s shipping service, enabling them topick up an iPhone X a day early. The difference there, of course, was that this poor bloke in London had to pay a thousand bucks for one.

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